ESS Journal dedicated to the governance, government and management of higher education

The most recent issue (Vol. 36, No. 1) of the journal Educación Superior y Sociedad (ESS) is now available for researchers and the university academic community in general.
The thematic dossier contained in this new edition of the journal Educación Superior y Sociedad (ESS) is entitled “Governance, government and management of higher education”, and analyzes these elements of university life in an increasingly dynamic, volatile and complex environment in an in-depth, plural and multidimensional manner. It addresses topics such as strategic planning and financial administration; good practices in academic and administrative management; as well as the results and performance of universities in their mission triad.
This new edition of the ESS has 16 articles -in this section of the dossier- written by 49 authors (30 women and 19 men), academics and researchers from different higher education institutions (HEIs), from 12 Latin American countries (Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, El Salvador, Chile, Costa Rica, Honduras, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Uruguay and Venezuela). And two European countries (Spain and Lithuania). The papers have been published in Spanish and Portuguese and, on this new occasion, the 4th article has been translated into one of the languages of the native peoples, this time in Guarani.
The thematic dossier also included the work of Francisco Ganga-Contreras, from the Universidad de Tarapacá, Chile; Victoria Galán-Muros, from UNESCO IESALC and Pedro Antônio de Melo, from the Universidad Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil. This dossier contains 7 articles written by 20 authors (10 women and 10 men) from 13 HEIs located in 6 LAC countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Mexico and Uruguay) and one in Europe (Lithuania).
The article in indigenous language, written in Guarani with translation into Spanish, was created by a research professor from a university in Bolivia, where she reflects on a significant experience on the realization of interculturality in a university of the Guarani people.
Finally, the general section of the journal lists 9 articles by 28 authors (19 women and 9 men) from 16 HEIs in 8 countries (7 from LAC: Argentina, Bolivia, El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico, Panama and Venezuela and one from Europe: Spain). The articles in this section study a diversity of topics expressive of the current concerns of higher education stakeholders and, through the use of multiple approaches, we achieve a closer understanding of the impact of this educational sector and how it has responded to changes in the current social, cultural and political dynamics at the national, regional and global levels.
All the articles published in issue 1, Vol. 36 of ESS were peer-reviewed under the double-blind system, and 52 reviewers from HEIs and research centers located in 12 countries in LAC and other regions participated in this edition.
Once again, we invite you to dive into the pages of this edition of the ESS and explore the contributions presented, confident that you will find in them valuable sources of inspiration and reflection for managers, academic researchers and all those interested in the continuous improvement of our higher education institutions.