Webinar: Academic freedom. Risks and threats

As part of the launch of the call for papers in volume 36, number 2 (2024) of the journal Educación Superior y Sociedad (ESS), the webinar entitled Academic Freedom: Risks and Threats is convened as a space designed to explore and debate one of the fundamental pillars of higher education and research: academic freedom; thus providing an overview of the topics expected to be covered in this thematic dossier.
In a world where information flows rapidly and where political, social and cultural tensions increasingly influence academic institutions, it is crucial to analyze the threats and risks facing academic freedom today.
The webinar is aimed at university and academic staff interested in reflecting on and analysing the state of academic freedom and its implications for their daily work. It is proposed to take the perspective of actors who collaborate in various higher education institutions and who have participated in studies of greater amplitude/scope regarding national and international trends on the subject.
The topics to be discussed in depth are:
- Academic freedom versus bureaucratic logics.
- Academic freedom versus market logics
- Academic freedom in the face of the logics of power
- Academic freedom versus the culture of cancellation
- Limits of academic freedom
Invited experts:
- Adrián Acosta, University of Guadalajara.
- Judith Naidorf, University of Buenos Aires.
- Valentina Canese, Universidad Nacional de Asunción (ESS Editorial Board).
- Pablo García, CONICET-UNTREF.
Moderator: Alma Maldonado, CINVESTAV.
Presented by: Carlos Iván Moreno, Universidad de Guadalajara.
Date and time: Thursday, September 12, 10:00h (Mexico)/ 12:00 h (Venezuela)
Duration: 1 hour and 30 minutes.
Language: Spanish.
Zoom registration: https://unesco-org.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_zEIqW4-jS5yv0-ZQO5EX1Q