Start of the UNESCO IESALC Training Program in Pedagogical Design and Experiential Methodologies at the Zamorano University of Honduras.

The Zamorano University of Honduras has implemented various activities related to virtualization and curriculum design, with the aim of creating a roadmap to establish the necessary mechanisms to guarantee the quality and relevance of its educational model.
For this reason, in collaboration with the UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (UNESCO IESALC), the Training Program in Pedagogical Design and Experiential Methodologies was launched for 31 of its teachers. This program, developed by UNESCO IESALC specifically for Zamorano University, aims to strengthen the pedagogical skills of teachers through the implementation of transformative methodologies that improve the learning experience of students.
The program will enable teachers to enhance the development of their curricula by creating innovative pedagogical activities that promote essential qualities such as adaptability, creativity, self-reliance, hope and resilience in students. These competencies are increasingly important in a changing world, and the program aligns with the goals of the new sustainability agenda.
Through this training, teachers will deepen their understanding of education and learning theories, integrating the best of traditional pedagogical practices with the latest innovations in transformative learning, capacity building, creativity and adaptive management. This approach will enable them to adapt their teaching and assessment methods to meet the additional challenges of online learning and social isolation, while better understanding the needs and expectations of new generations of learners.
“This program is a unique opportunity for teachers to stay at the forefront of educational trends and continue to provide excellent instruction at Zamorano. We are very proud to support the university in providing training that will transform the way educators lead students to success.”
Yuma Inzolia, Director of Capacity Development at UNESCO IESALC.
The program will be facilitated by experts in higher education and transformative pedagogy who will continuously mentor participants to ensure a deep and meaningful learning process and will last XX weeks.
Designed to connect the past with the future, this program will enable our educators to understand and apply transformative approaches such as experiential learning, capacity building, and adaptive management that are critical for success in current and future educational environments.