Actions of the Higher Education Networks in face of COVID-19

A brief and quick exploration of the websites of the 13 councils of rectors and national associations of higher education institutions (HEI) in Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as of the virtual spaces of 3 sub-regional networks, shows some of the measures, plans or recommendations made by these instances in face of the containment process of the COVID-19 pandemic.
It is evident that the main action is to provide support to its member institutions by disclosing the measures and strategies that have been established at the governmental level for the containment of the virus. The work has been carried out jointly with the ministries of education of each country in accordance with the arrangements carried out by the ministries of health.
Within the framework of safeguarding university autonomy, the networks support the actions promoted by the HEI themselves, such as the suspension and deferral of classes and activities as a preventive measure of contagion. Almost all organizations report that their member institutions, universities and HEI, carry out distance learning supported on technologies, with few guiding proposals for procedural measures on how to effectively develop distance learning processes with virtual environments aimed at institutions that do not have this working modality as a formal practice.
This list will be updated with the information that higher education networks disseminate through their official channels.
CIN Consejo Interuniversitario Nacional
Suspension of presential activities up to a new warning, launching of prevention campaigns and contention of the COVID-19, creation of a special commission between public university institutions and national authorities.
-Comunicado de suspensión de actividades presenciales hasta nuevo aviso.
-Campañas de prevención y contención del COVID-19.
–eVirtual Site: pedagogical ressources.
CRUP Consejo de Rectores de Universidades Privadas
Support from the Ministry of Education in the dissemination of the adoption of preventive recommendations against the coronavirus COVID-19.
Comité Ejecutivo de la Universidad Boliviana-CEUB
-March 12. CEUB suspende actividades universitarias por coronavirus
-March 12.. CEUB instruye pausa de actividades por COVID-19 y 6 universidades ya cerraron sus puertas
Associação Nacional dos Dirigentes das Instituições Federais de Ensino Superior-ANDIFES
Dissemination of information from federal universities, with guidelines and preventive measures against the COVID-19 coronavirus; establishment of a working group for guidance on the new coronavirus and dissemination of recommendations on preventive actions to be taken on the campus of university institutions.
-Abril 11. Comunicado N° 04. Resumen de acciones realizadas como primera fase de enfrentamiento a la pandemia.
-Abril 16. Divulgación de aportes específicos de parte de algunas de las Universidades miembros.
-UFS/Professores e estudantes de Farmácia criam Central de Informações sobre a Covid-19
-UNIRIO/Biomedicina no combate à Covid-19
-March 12. Andife Andifes compartilha medidas das Universidades Federais relacionadas ao COVID-19
-Grupo de Trabalho para orientação sobre o novo Coronavirus
Associação Brasileira dos Reitores das Universidades Estaduais e Municipais-ABRUEM
Announcement of suspension of activities and holding of meetings of the Directorate of the Council through video conference and dissemination of script for guiding campaign to offer education in the quality line at a time when the presential activities are hindered. Emphasize the importance of experimenting with new methodologies to expand communication and achieve success in activities in the virtual environment.
-April 17. Câmara de Graduação da Abruem realizará reunião online
Noticias de convocatoria a reunião online será discutido o contexto atual pelo qual passam as Universidades em meio à de pandemia do novo Coronavírus e a continuidade da suspensão das atividades acadêmicas presenciais. Também será discutido o desenvolvimento de atividades acadêmicas com mediação tecnológica, além de serem dados informes gerais.
-Reuniões da Abruem são suspensas devido à pandemia do novo Coronavírus
-Câmara EaD da Abruem propõe discussões sobre educação online em tempos de coronavírus
-March 16. [ABRUEM] Educação online em tempos de coronavírus
Grupo Coimbra de Universidades Brasileiras-GCUB
Comunicado de cierre de oficina como medida de prevención de contagio del COVID-19
Consejo de Rectores de Universidades Chilenas-CRUCH
-March 20. Campaña cuidémonos todos #quédateencasa
-March 16. Universidades del consejo de rectores suspenden clases para prevenir contagio de coronavirus
Corporación de Universidades Privadas-CUP
– March 31. Los reparos y sugerencias de universidades tradicionales y privadas ante contingencia por Covid-19
Asociación Colombiana de Universidades-ASCUN
Preparation and dissemination of a bulletin with recommendations for adopting measures to contain the COVID-19 in the IES, structuring of a University Follow-up Committee for COVID-19, cycle of webinars, guidance for working lines, and analysis.
-April 20. Webinar: Calidad De La Educación Mediada Por Las Tic. No Virtualidad, Sí Educación Remota
-April 8. BOLETÍN No. 3 del Consejo Directivo de ASCUN.
-March 31. Experiencias de virtualidad de apoyo a IES 31 marzo de 2020.
-March 30. Segundo ciclo de webinars Diálogos sobre las estrategias de apoyo ante la emergencia del COVID-19
-March 29. Análisis de la situación financiera de las IES ante la situación provocada por el coronavirus
-March 20. Propuesta contingencia de matrículas en IES para segundo semestre de 2020.
-Solicitud de IES al Presidente de la República
-Listado de noticias vinculadas a iniciativas para enfrentar el Coronavirus
-March 26. Normativa para el desarrollo de actividades académicas en las IES ante el COVID-19.
-April 2. Comunicado de exhorto a las IES para que atiendan pronunciamientos oficiales del Comité de Operaciones de Emergencia Nacional y apliquen Normativa Transitoria…
Asociación Nacional de Universidades e Instituciones de Educación Superior-ANUIES
-Dissemination of the document “Guidelines for Public Institutions of Higher Education” emanating from the National Council of Educational Authorities (CONAEDU), in coordination with the Secretary of Health with respect to COVID-19.
– Institutions associated with ANUIES are urged to contribute within the scope of their competencies in the adoption of preventive measures to be undertaken and put at the disposal of the society of human capital and scientific capacities to advance in the study and identification of effective measures to mitigate COVID-19.
-The HEIs will have classes on the agreement to the decisions of their collegiate bodies of government. However, in line, it was suggested that the last day of classes was on March 20 and the return on April 20.
-Among preventive measures, there is also the repatriation of students who are participating in exchanges in other countries.
-Lineamientos de acción COVID-19 instituciones públicas de educación superior
-Implementan medidas preventivas con relación al COVID-19 para las IES en el país
-Plataformas y recursos digitales ante la contingencia de la COVID-19
Federación de Instituciones Mexicanas Particulares de Educación Superior-FIMPES
Notice of cancellation and reprogramming of meettings, suspension of presential training, assistance to national and international events, invitation to member institutions for the design of a prevention and contingency plan for the communication of the university community.
-Creación de sitio web FIMPES-COVID19 para información relacionada
-March 17. Comunicado del Equipo de la Secretaría General.
-March 13. Comunicado del Secretario General de FIMPES, Rodrigo Guerra Botello
-Información importante sobre el COVID-19.
-Infomación de IES FIMPES sobre Coronavirus.
-April 17. Comunicado oficial 02-2020 del Consejo Nacional de Universidades
-April 17. CNU obliga a universitarios a volver a clases y ofrece apoyo al régimen en medio de la pandemia.
– April 17.. CNU sandinista llama a universidades a reiniciar clases presenciales en Nicaragua
– April 17. Convocan a universitarios de Nicaragua a retornar a las aulas
– April 17. CNU convoca retorno a clases universitarias este próximo lunes
-March 28. Consejo de rectores establece moratoria de 4 meses a universidades miembro
-March 11. Suspenden clases presenciales en universidades de Panamá Centro, Norte y San Miguelito
Consejo Nacional de Educación Superior-CONES
-April 12. Resolución CE-CONES N° 07 «El CONES comunica la ampliación del cese de sus actividades presenciales»
-March 21. Resolución CE-CONES N° 03/2020 Consejo Ejecutivo
-March 18. Instructivo para Pagos de Aranceles CONES del 16 al 26 de marzo de 2020.
-March 11. Comunicado sobre medidas de prevención sanitaria.
Asociación Paraguaya de Universidades Privadas-APUP
Asociación Nacional de Universidades Públicas del Perú-ANUPP
-April. Boletín de las Universidades Públicas del Perú.
-April 05. Universidades públicas piden apoyo al Estado para incursionar en educación virtual.
-March 15. Comunicado de suspensión de actividades en las universidades públicas
-March 12. Acciones en las universidades contra el coronavirus.
-March 11. Minedu coordina con asociaciones de universidades acciones contra el coronavirus
Federación de Instituciones Educativas de Educación Superior-FIPES
Communiqué on the implementation of the following actions: formation of working groups with the Ministerio de Educación for the application of distance learning with virtual environments; teacher updating, and assistance provision for those students with technological limitations to recover signatures once classroom activity is retaken.
Information referring to the actions that HEIs members of this Federation have carried out as a reprogramming of the schedule of activities and payment of fees, as well as provision of confinement alternatives for students.
-April. Anupp – Fipes: Despega Alianza entre Universidades Públicas y Privadas
República Dominicana
Asociación Dominicana de Rectores de Universidades-ADRU
Asociación Dominicana de Universidades-ADOU
-April 3. IES expresa preocupación ante campaña de desinformación en redes sociales contra universidades
Asociación Venezolana de Rectores Universitarios-AVERU
-Comunicado de solidaridad ante la angustia de la comunidad universitaria y la población venezolana por efecto del COVID-19, situación agudizada por la emergencia humanitaria que sufre la nación.
Asociación de Rectoras y Rectores Bolivarianos-ARBOL
-Plan universitario anti-COVID-19
Global University Network for Innovation-GUNI
Announcement of format change (from face-to-face to virtual) for the realization of activities.
Realización del Congreso Global SAR 2020
International Association of Universities-IAU
-March 25. Covid-19: Global Impact Survey and Resources for IAU Members
25 de marzo. Global Impact Survey and Resources for IAU Members (lanzamiento de encuesta para miembros)
-Development of a website dedicated to presenting excerpts and investigations on COVID-19.
– Design and training organization on the disease by COVID-19.
-COVID Prevention and Treatment Manual-19
Virtual Educa. Programa adscrito a la Cumbre Iberoamericana de Jefes de Estado y Gobierno
-April 13. COVID-19: Activar la educación en casa, un desafío posible para las organizaciones educativas
Asociación de Universidades Confiadas a la Compañía de Jesús en América Latina-AUSJAL
-April 6. Unidos ante el COVID-19
Mensaje de reflexión de la máxima autoridad padre Arturo Sosa
Organización de Universidades Católicas de América Latina-ODUCAL
Dissemination of news related to university members oriented to prevention measures.
Initiatives of the associated universities:
- April 15. UNIMINUTO dona computadores a sus estudiantes para que sigan sus estudios en modalidad virtual
- April 14. La Universidad Católica Argentina continúa con el dictado de clases en modalidad a distancia
- April 13. El presidente Martín Vizcarra y el ministro de Salud, Víctor Zamora, visitaron la PUCP para conocer el respirador mecánico de emergencia Masi
-La UPB preserva la salud: Medidas frente al COVID-19
- Take decisions to transfer classroom classes to a virtual environment by means of distance monitoring by teachers.
- Creation of blogs to effectively and officially inform the university community, disseminating the official dispositions of the government and educational institutions
-March 23. UNIVA adopta medidas ante COVID-19 para proteger a su comunidad universitaria
Organización Universitaria Interamericana-OUI
Message to members about the HEIs whose activities have been by the situation of COVID-19 from which they inform about the cancellation of participation in events and international conferences that were scheduled, as well as the postponement of all the presential activities planned between March and June.
-March 16. Comunicado de solidaridad
Unión de Universidades de América Latina y el Caribe-UDUAL
-Webinars related to social, economic and educational impacts:
-Divulgación de comunicado de la ALADEFE (Asociación Latinoamericana de Escuelas y Facultades de Enfermería) dirigido a sus agremiados, personal de salud en enfermería, para actualizarlos en torno al coronavirus y sus consecuencias en la región.
-La UDUAL trabaja a distancia por crisis del COVID-19
-Highlighted announcement about the postponement of the Fifth International Seminar of the Red ALC-China for mid-2021.
Asociación de Universidades Grupo Montevideo-AUGM
Given the situation of the region due to the spread of the COVID-19 virus, the AUGM has taken a set of measures with respect to the SCALA academic mobility and exchange programs, both for graduate and postgraduate students, as well as for teachers and managers. The communication details the measures and recommendations for the follow-up of this program.
-¿Qué hacen las universidades públicas de la región ante el COVID-19?.
-Medidas y orientaciones para las personas en situación de discapacidad en tiempos de COVID19.
Comunicados de suspensión de actividades
Consejo Superior Universitario Centroamericano-CSUCA
-April 6. Pronunciamiento Comité Directivo CONREVE.
-April 6. Comunicado de la Universidad Especializada de las Américas-UDELAS.
-April 6. Pronunciamiento Rectoría de la Universidad de Panamá.
-March 23. Comunicado Situación Rector Arias.
-Diffusion of a Manual referred to the COVID-19 elaborated by a university member.
-Manual de prevención y protocolo de acción frente al COVID-19
-Medidas en pro de la seguridad de la comunidad universitaria