Recognition Process Panama
Legal Framework
National Constitution of the Republic of PanamaOrganic Law of Education
Institutional actors and operational instances
International Cooperation Directorate of the Ministry of Education and University of Panama
Documentation required in order to initiate the recognition process
1. Apply to the Directorate of International Cooperation of the Ministry of Education. According to the area of specialization, the homologation of the degree will be carried out at the Universidad de Panamá or the Universidad Tecnológica.
2. A letter written on plain paper, together with its respective copy, must be sent to the Secretary General of the corresponding university. The letter must include the applicant’s information.
3. It is obligatory to present the authenticated original diploma and submit two copies, in addition to the complete transcript of grades and marks. The record of the subjects with their respective grades and particularities and with aspects such as general and specific contents, duration of class periods and grade range, among others, must also be included.
4. Additionally, the original and two copies of the official identification document of the applicant’s country must be attached, together with the birth certificate. In order for a foreign degree to be valid in Panama, it must be legalized and apostilled. For more information Click here
Universidad de Panama
Phone Center (507) 523-5000
Province of Panama – Urbanización El Cangrejo – Vía Simón Bolívar (Transístmica) with the intersection of Vía Manuel Espinoza Batista and José De Fábrega.
To support the ratification in Panama, please write to:
President of the National Assembly: Dip. Marco Enrique Castillero Barahona