With this program, IESALC seeks to promote the right to quality, relevant, inclusive and just education for all by sensitizing and increasing the awareness of practitioners and public opinion in general, informing on the positions of UNESCO and guidelines established at the III Regional Conference on Higher Education (CRES 2018), in conjunction with other international organizations and agencies.
To carry out this program, the Institute has considered the following actions:
- Launch of a campaign targeting the ratification of the Regional Convention for the Recognition of Studies, Diplomas and Degrees in Latin America and the Caribbean and the Global Convention.
- Convening of a Regional Forum on Higher Education Policies focusing on Higher Technical and Professional Education.
- Creation of a concerted mechanism involving higher education practitioners and networks, for the implementation of the CRES 2018 recommendations.
- Active participation of the Institute’s analytical team in webinars, forums, and conferences, among others, to promote research work.
- Strengthening of the Journal Higher Education and Society (Educación Superior y Sociedad), its specialized research body.
- Creation of the Network of Universities for the SDGs in alliance with the United Nations System in Venezuela and with the global initiative of the United Nations Academic Impact.
- Promotion of knowledge exchange and discussion around its priority issues through online events, publications, digital media and social networks.
We are collecting examples of how student-led data collection has been used to influence policy.…
A series of 5 white papers on SDG 1 (No Poverty), SDG 13 (Climate Action), SDG 16 (Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions), and SDG 17 (Partnerships for the Goals) was recently launched, presenting…
Articles encouraging discussion and analysis of the processes, risks and implications threatening academic freedom will be accepted until 18 October.…