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III Ibero-American Congress of Comparative Education

1 September, 2021 hora: 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm

The Sociedad Uruguaya de Educación Comparada e Internacional (SUECI), the Sociedad Iberoamericana de Educación Comparada (SIBEC) and the Sociedad Brasileña de Educación Comparada (SBEC) convene the I National Congress of Comparative and International Education, III Ibero-American Congress of Comparative Education and VIII Congress of the Brazilian Society of Comparative Education that will take place in Montevideo, Uruguay, from 1 to 3 of September 2021.

The III Ibero-American Congress of Comparative Education will take place on September 1 at 3:00 p.m. (Montevideo time, Uruguay) and will count on the participation of the director of UNESCO IESALC, Francesc Pedró, with the conference: “International trends in comparative studies on higher education”. This will be followed by comments from Estela Miranda from the National University of Córdoba, Argentina, and coordinator of the NEIES Nucleus of MERCOSUR and from Paulo Speller, member of Kairós, emeritus professor of the Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso (UFMT) and representative of the OBREAL Global Observatory.

The thematic axes that the Congress will address are:

  • Theoretical frameworks and perspectives of Comparative Education. A review of contemporary and recent conceptual and theoretical frameworks. International knowledge networks.
  • Comparative Education Methodology. A review of current methodological approaches and debates.
  • Studies of History and futures of Education in Comparative perspective.
  • Global and supranational educational agendas and policies. International organizations, States, national actors and Regions: USA and Canada, Latin America, Europe, Russia, China and Southeast Asia, the Arab and Islamic world, Africa, India and the Indian Ocean, Oceania …
  • Actors and Subjects of Comparative Education: Pedagogical Subjects. Pedagogies, school and learning communities. Students. Families and communities in education. Resume. Evaluation of Education. Teachings and learnings. Training and teaching condition. Education and worlds of work and professions. Education throughout life. Education management.
  • Comparative Education and Exclusion – Rural Education. Forced migrants, Afro populations and native and indigenous peoples, people with different needs, special education and diversity, vulnerable groups, gender equality, women and children. Imperialism, colonialism and the colonial look. Innovative and inclusive educational practices.
  • Comparative Education before the fourth industrial and technological revolution (AI, Robotics, Nanosciences, Neurosciences and their impacts on the future of work and leisure. Education and technology).
  • Studies related to various levels (Early Childhood, Basic, Middle and Higher Education) may be ordered in the aforementioned axes, according to the emphasis of each work.
  • Congresses of SBEC, SIBEC and SUECI. The three congresses will be developed in an integrated manner, as one, which offers participants a richer and more interactive space. During the Congress, the institutional meeting instances of each Society will take place. SBEC: innovative approach.


1 September, 2021
3:00 pm - 4:30 pm