Explore the UNESCO-IESALC Higher Education Policy Hub, your gateway to a wealth of information on higher education policies and systems. This dynamic portal offers a comprehensive suite of tools and resources designed exclusively for policymakers and stakeholders in higher education. With coverage spanning over 150 countries, these resources are regularly updated to provide the latest data on higher education systems and policies worldwide and reveal emerging trends in the higher education landscape. Join our community of policymakers, academics and professionals committed to enhancing higher education policy for everyone.

Key features of the Policy Hub Include: 

HE Policy Observatory

An online portal displaying comparable information and statistical data on higher education systems and policies around the world

Policy Briefs

A series of short briefs providing recommendations to policymakers to address current challenges facing higher education systems

Policy Insights

A collection of concise information digests extracted from the HE Policy Observatory

Policy Talks

Podcasts featuring experts and guests to explore topics covered in the policy briefs and the policy insights

Policy Network

An informal network of policymakers in higher education to share ideas and experiences

Policy Forum

An annual event focused on the latest trends of higher education policy
