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25th Anniversary – Day 4: The problems of higher education in Latin America and the Caribbean
2 noviembre, 2023 hora: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

On the fourth day dedicated to the celebration of our 25th Anniversary, government representatives will speak on the problems of higher education in Latin America and the Caribbean.
- Denise Pires de Carvalho, Secretary of Higher Education, Brazil.
- Oscar Alpa, Secretary of University Policies, Argentina.
- Gonzalo Baroni, National Director of Education, Uruguay.
- Domingo Medina, Vice-Minister for the Qualitative Transformation of University Education, Ministry of Popular Power for University Education, Venezuela.
- Francesc Pedró, UNESCO IESALC Director.
Other activities:
- Presentation of UNESCO IESALC team leaders on our projects.
- Launching of a video with key messages and recommendations for higher education towards 2030.
Registration: here