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5th Meeting of the Regional Network of National Recognition Structures of the Buenos Aires Convention

8 noviembre, 2023 hora: 10:00 am - 11:15 am

The 5th Meeting of the Regional Network of National Recognition Structures of the Buenos Aires Convention will be held on Wednesday, 8 November, from 10:00 to 11:15 a.m. (Caracas GMT‐4).


10.00‐10.10 – Information on the Regional Network. Working groups and ongoing projects.

10.10‐10.15 – Information about Online course “Quick guide to the recognition of Venezuelan academic qualifications by external evaluators”. Jose Antonio Quinteiro Goris, Programme Coordinator at UNESCO IESALC.

10.15 ‐10.35 – Trust, Evaluation and the 4IR, on fake and fraudulent credentials in higher education. Erik Johansson, Senior Credential Evaluator ENIC‐NARIC Sweden and expert in higher education documentation security issues.

10.35‐10.55 Uruguay’s system of revalidation and recognition. Gonzalo Oleggini, Coordinator of the Office of Recognition and Revalidation of the Higher Education Area of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Uruguay.

10.55‐11.15 – Cuban Higher Education System. Marcia Noda Hernández, Director of Evaluation and Accreditation of the Ministry of Higher Education of Cuba.

This event is only open to recognition structures in the region. For more information, write to: 


8 noviembre, 2023
10:00 am - 11:15 am