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AIESAD III Regional Meeting

27 septiembre, 2023 hora: 3:45 pm - 29 septiembre, 2023 hora: 4:30 pm

The III Regional Meeting of the Ibero-American Association for Higher Distance Education (AIESAD) will be held under the theme “Without limits or borders: new challenges of higher education in the global digital era.” This meeting is organized by the National University of Distance Education of Spain, at the end of its 50th anniversary, in collaboration with the UNESCO Chair of Distance Education of the UNED and the National Open and Distance University of Colombia (UNAD).

The event will take place on September 27, 28 and 29, 2023 at the Faculty of Education of the UNED, in Madrid, in hybrid mode, consisting of face-to-face sessions that will be broadcast live, with a recording of the meeting.

The program will consist of conferences with international experts, panels of experts, and the presentation of innovative experiences within the framework of the current transformations in the field of higher education that should not have limits or boundaries.  It will also be a space to highlight the achievements of the association through the presentation of the Ibero-American Magazine of Distance Education (RIED), which will soon be published bilingually, the launching of the Lorenzo García Aretio Award and a space for interaction among members.

On September 27 from 15:45 to 16:30 (Madrid time, GMT+2) Francesc Pedró, UNESCO IESALC director, will deliver the Conference “The digital transformation of higher education and the challenge of artificial intelligence. UNESCO’s perspective”. Laura Alba-Juez, Vice Rector for Internationalization and Multilingualism at UNED, Spain, will moderate the session.

For more information, please visit:


27 septiembre, 2023 hora: 3:45 pm
29 septiembre, 2023 hora: 4:30 pm