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First Public Consultation CRES+5 – Axis 6: The strategic role of higher education in sustainable development of Latin America and the Caribbean

1 noviembre, 2023 hora: 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

In preparation for the Regional Conference on Higher Education follow up (CRES+5), scheduled for March 13-15, 2024 in Brasilia, we invite networks, higher education institutions, stakeholders and other actors involved in higher education to join the first virtual public consultation to discuss and gather information on Axis 6: The strategic role of higher education in sustainable development of Latin America and the Caribbean.


Methodology_ 13:00h (GMT-4, Caracas)

  1. Paulo Falcón: General approach and context on how we are approaching the topic. Methodology to be followed during this consultation – 10 minutes
  •  Open to comments from the audience on this general approach – 10 minutes.
  1. Elizabeth Bernal: Reflections on the measurement and evaluation of the CRES and its Action Plan for Axis 6 – 10 minutes
  • Open to suggestions from the audience on improvements to the measurement of the CRES Action Plan for Axis 6 – 10 minutes
  1. Carlos Hernando Forero: Documentation that has been the subject of study for the monitoring of Axis 6 – 10 minutes
  • Open to suggestions from the audience on what other key documents should be included in the monitoring of this Axis – 10 minutes
  1. Marisa Montesano: Definition of sustainability – 10 minutes
  • Open to comments from the audience on possible adjustments to the definition of sustainability – 10 minutes
  1. Paulo Falcón: Presentation of proposed table of contents for the document – 10 minutes
  • Open to comments from the audience on the index – 10 minutes
  1. Closing


Registration link to the meeting:


1 noviembre, 2023
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm