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First Public Consultation CRES+5 – Axis 9: Inclusion, diversity and the role of women in higher education

13 noviembre, 2023 hora: 1:00 pm

In preparation for the Regional Conference on Higher Education follow up (CRES+5), scheduled for March 2024 in Brasilia, we invite networks, higher education institutions, stakeholders and other actors involved in the field of higher education to join the first public consultation on Axis 9: Inclusion, diversity and the role of women in higher education in Latin America and the Caribbean.

The first public consultation, scheduled for November 13, 2023 at 14:00 (Buenos Aires, GMT-3) / 13:00 (Bridgetown, Caracas GMT-4), has as its main theme “Inclusion and diversity in Latin America and the Caribbean”. This consultation will give voice to higher education actors in the region, who will address the importance of inclusion and diversity in their academic, research and teaching activities. Higher education institutions in Latin America and the Caribbean have a responsibility to ensure that inclusion, diversity and equity are fundamental to all activities. This consultation will provide a space for all members of the academic communities to share their perspectives and experiences on this critical issue.

The meeting will be held online via Zoom, and will feature three speakers reflecting the diversity of the Latin American and Caribbean region. Participants will have the opportunity to contribute in two ways:

1. Through their responses to interactive questions and by comments on the platform.
2. Through their responses to the online questionnaire.

The results of this consultation will be taken into account in the preparation of the final document for CRES+5 in Axis 9.


Keynote Speakers:

  • Patricia Martinez Barrios, General Vice Chancellor of UNIMINUTO University System. She will present on “Inclusion and Quality of Higher Education in the Caribbean Region of Colombia.”
  • Francisco Ricardo Lins Vieira, professor at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. He will present on “Advances and Challenges of Higher Education in Brazil.”
  • Sergio Wilson Morales Mendoza, president of the Organization of the Blind of the Ancash Region (ODIRA). He will present on “Analysis of Inclusion: The feeling from the community of blind people.”


Your participation is essential to promote inclusion and diversity in higher education in Latin America and the Caribbean.

To register for the meeting, we invite you to use the following link:


13 noviembre, 2023
1:00 pm