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Gender equality: How global universities are performing

8 marzo, 2022 hora: 10:00 am - 11:30 am

Join the webinar to launch the report Gender equality. How global universities are performing, jointly edited with Times Higher Education.

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The event will be held in English.

On International Women’s DayTimes Higher Education (THE), in partnership with the UNESCO IESALC, will hold a webinar to launch a new White Paper presenting a global analysis of exclusive data across 18 indicators and five detailed case studies that will support higher education institution’s efforts to tackle inequality and discrimination.

At the event, five experts from five regions of the world will share how their universities are beacons of excellence in driving progress towards gender equality. This webinar will reveal which regions are making the most significant progress and the possible factors and strategies behind their success. Join THE, UNESCO IESALC and five inspirational academic leaders and gain access to the new research designed to guide strategic making towards SDG5.

The webinar will explore:
• Where universities are furthest ahead in their commitment to gender equality
• Which regions are the most equal when it comes to the shares of female students across different subject areas
• How universities are becoming more focused on improving women’s access to higher education than improving their outcomes and success rates
• Why less than two-fifths of senior academics are women globally, while less than a third of authors in research papers are women
• What is a new emerging frontier in the fight for gender equality

• Erika Adriana Loyo Beristáin, Head of the Gender Equality Unit, University of Guadalajara
• Emma Deraze, sr data scientist, THE
• Eileen Drew, director, Centre for Gender Equality and Leadership, Trinity College Dublin
• Rosa Ellis, rankings reporter, THE
• Victoria Galán-Muros, chief of research and analysis, UNESCO-IESALC
• Kathryn Maud, assistant professor of women and gender studies, American University of Beirut
• Bhavani Rao, director, Ammachi Labs and Unesco chair in gender equality and women’s empowerment, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham
• Judith Waudo, director of the Center for Gender Equity and Empowerment, Kenyatta University


Global universities address gender equality but gaps remain to be closed


8 marzo, 2022
10:00 am - 11:30 am
Categorías del Evento:


Times Higher Education
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