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Public Consultation CRES+5 Axis 4: The role of higher education in the face of the social challenges of Latin America and the Caribbean

30 octubre, 2023 hora: 3:00 pm

In preparation for the Regional Conference on Higher Education (CRES+5), which will take place from March 13-15, 2024, in Brasilia, networks, higher education institutions, groups interested in HE and other interested persons are invited to participate in the second virtual public consultation aimed at discussing and gathering information on The role of higher education in the face of the social challenges of Latin America and the Caribbean, corresponding to Thematic Axis 4 of CRES+5.

This consultation will take place on Monday, October 30, 2023, with the moderation of the specialists coordinating the work of this Axis, Dr. Angélica Buendía Espinosa, Professor-Researcher at the Department of Economic Production of the Xochimilco Unit of the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana de México (Autonomous Metropolitan University of Mexico); Dr. Estela M. Miranda, NEIES-Mercosur/National University of Córdoba (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba), Argentina; Dr. Rosana Heringer, General Director of the Latin American Campaign for the Right to Education (CLADE); and Dr. Rosana Heringer, General Director of the Latin American Campaign for the Right to Education (CLADE). Estela M. Miranda, NEIES-Mercosur/Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina; Dr. Rosana Heringer, General Director of the Latin American Campaign for the Right to Education (CLADE); and Dr. Álvaro Rico, Executive Secretary of the Association of Universities of the Montevideo Group (AUGM: Asociación de Universidades Grupo Montevideo).

The debate and contributions from participants will be organized in three rounds: 1. Progress and contributions made by different organizations since CRES 2018, in Córdoba 2. Challenges and pending challenges since CRES 2018 and priorities for the next five (5) years in this thematic axis.

We count on the participation of all stakeholders interested in the thematic, in order to enrich the debate, vision and contributions of Axis 4 to the construction of CRES+5. To do so, please register on the Zoom platform:

Once registered, you will receive the login link and the access password in your e-mail in an automatic message from Zoom.

Attention for the time of the consultation in the different time zones

13:00 (Mexico and Central America) | 14:00 (Panama, Bogotá, Quito, Kingston, Lima)

15:00 (Caribbean and Caracas) | 16:00 (Buenos Aires, Brasilia, Santiago, Asuncion, Paramaribo, Montevideo)

For further information, please do not hesitate to contact Giulia Ribeiro Barão:

If you still have doubts and want to check the time corresponding to your region/locality, please visit this time converter, using Brasilia’s 16:00 as reference:


30 octubre, 2023
3:00 pm