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Symposia “Internationalization and Academic Mobility in the 21st Century”

2 junio, 2022 - 5 junio, 2022

The Wenner-Gren Foundations and the Young Academy of Sweden invite to the Symposia “Internationalization and Academic Mobility in the 21st Century”, to take place at the Wenner-Gren Center (Sveavägen 166), Stockholm from June 1–4, 2022.

On friday June 3, as part of the Session 5: Sustainability, ethics, and academic mobility in times of crisis and risk, José Antonio Quinteiro, program coordinator at UNESCO IESALC, will talk about internationalization and academic mobility in LATAM, at 13:30 Stockholm time (UTC/GMT +2). For your local time check here

Chair: Lucie Delemotte & Linda Andersson Burnett

13:00-13:30 The Unsustainability of Academic Mobilities

Debbie Hopkins, Associate professor in human geography, Oxford University

13:30-14:00 Internationalization and Academic Mobility in the 21st Century. The Latin American perspective

José Antonio Quinteiro Goris, program coordinator, UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean

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2 junio, 2022
5 junio, 2022
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