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The UNESCO World Conference and the challenges for Peruvian universities

31 mayo, 2022 hora: 9:00 am

The UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (IESALC) and the Higher Education Observatory of the Consortium of Universities (UMBRAL) organize the virtual event “The UNESCO World Conference and the challenges for Peruvian universities” on May 31 at 9 a.m. (Peru time). This event aims to generate ideas that help face the challenges of the Peruvian university system and continue strengthening its improvement process in recent years.

Francesc Pedró, UNESCO IESALC director; Hugo Rojas Flores, rector of the Universidad Nacional de San Agustín; Inés Gárate Camacho, rector of the Universidad Nacional de Barranca; Patricia Campos Olazábal, rector of the Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Morgrovejo and Arlette Beltrán, vice-rector of the Universidad del Pacífico. Moderator: Martín Benavides, director of UNBRAL.

The UNESCO IESALC director, Francesc Pedró, will present the main lessons and learnings from the UNESCO World Higher Education Conference (WHEC 2022). At the same time, the invited rectors will exchange their ideas on the reality of Peruvian universities and their challenges for the future.

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31 mayo, 2022
9:00 am